Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17th

A story today.
Got to work early to find my new keyboard had arrived. I can now read my keys and it has a cool blue backlight. Woo! Then my favoritist colleague turned up with a bag of English goodies for me. So it looked like I had my photo of the day.
Then... as I was Photoshopping my image, I heard a commotion outside my office. There was a dispute in production over a color ink being used, during which one of the buckets dropped to the floor spilling its contents. T Bird, unaware of the spillage turned around and planted both feet into the goo.
 Naturally I found this highly amusing and snapped a shot of a shoe. And to round off the scenario, Billy had to declare, "That would never have happened if you'd been wearing green!". And all this before 9:30am on St. Patrick's Day!

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